No Country for Old Men. A Call For a Moratorium on Appealing to Them.
This week a draft opinion was leaked that shattered any notion of reason on reproductive rights. The draft exposed not only the Supreme Court’s intention to overturn Roe V Wade, but the true desires of the old white men appointed by other old white men to the seat of power. The truth laid bare: it […]
The COVID Back to School Discussion We Aren’t Having. But Should.
The rearrangement of life when survival and health are in doubt is as startling as it is swift. Necessities come into sharper focus. Survival becomes the goal. All else is secondary or inconsequential.
America’s Not Ready for a Woman President. That Shouldn’t Stop Us From Nominating One.
You can be anything you want baby girl. I tucked a blonde wisp behind her ear and smiled at her. I believed it to my core. My brilliant, stubborn daughter. The world was an endless landscape for her to navigate.
It’s Time To Decide Which America We Are
This is America. We are in a place, right now, where we can’t say that our darkest days are in our past. And it feels sick. Shocking. Unbelievable. But it’s real. Our country is no stranger to hurting innocent people.
The Media Continues To Minimize Rape and It’s A Real Problem
Words have power. They ignite revolutions, start wars, or calm tensions. They enlighten, or they can spread dangerous lies. Societies have risen and fallen based on words alone. Which is why the words the news media chooses are so important.
No Sympathy for the Devil. Evil Doesn’t Deserve Civility.
You seem really angry. It wasn’t really a statement. Or a question. It was an accusation. It was two days after the election. Two days after we elected an openly racist man who bragged about sexually assaulting women. My anger had apparently ruffled my acquaintance. Yeah. I was angry. Livid. Sad. Terrified. But I didn’t say […]
Dear Men, This Is Why We’re Tired
Emotional labor is unseen. It’s the energy women spend managing other’s feelings and emotions, making people comfortable, or living up to society’s expectations…
While We Sleep: A Warning
“I was asleep before… that’s how we let it happen. They suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary.” This is Offred’s stark warning. A narration of regret. Her name’s not really Offred. It’s Jane. Or June. Or something that I can’t remember because her name no longer matters. She is no longer a […]
Women Are Not Here For You. You Do Not Own Us.
This story isn’t unusual. It’s not even rare. Most women at some point have played the boyfriend card to fend off an aggressive guy.
An Open Letter To Donald Trump From Some Angry Women.
Dear Mr. Trump… can I call you Mr. Trump? Is that ok? I want you to be happy, that’s very important to me. Before I get started, let me say this letter isn’t from all women. The Trumpettes surely won’t approve of this message. But this is from most women. We see right through you. […]