Gretchen L. Kelly, Author

My Books

I don't know when I decided I was a writer. Or even if I decided. Was it born into me, screaming into the world in concert with my newborn wails?

Byline Legacies

Byline Legacies is a nostalgic collage of inspiration, candor, and comfort. Woven through fiction, poetry, and nonfiction, you’ll discover love letters to our greatest influencers, memoirs of our humble beginnings, anthems for our greatest triumphs, and heart-wrenching confessions of the times when we doubted ourselves and questioned what kind of legacy we were creating. 

I Just Want To Hang Out With You

There was a time when we longed to be left alone and now we can’t get our teenagers to spend any time with us. When we’re not begging or bribing them to hang out, we’re banning them from leaving the house just so we can have some “family time” together.

For all the angst and drama teenagers cause, they’re also smart, hilarious, and fun to be around (if they let you hang out with them).

Lose the Cape: The Mom's Guide to Becoming Socially & Politically Engaged

It’s a compilation of stories from moms who want to be more involved, who want to set the example for their children and get them involved as well…

If you want to learn how other mothers are getting involved, showing up, advocating for their children, and becoming activists when needed, grab your copy today!